Fields & Vineyards is a blog by michael T. marr, author of with him in deep waters. His posts explore the riches of god’s word.

Blog Posts on Acts: What's the Point?

Blog Posts on Acts: What's the Point?

What is the point of all the posts on Acts? No one is going to read them all. They are not very well organized. And perhaps they are interesting to some folks, but not others. So why write? Well, for one thing, I commune in my heart with the Lord in writing; so I am edified by it. For another, I know some have been encouraged by the few things I have written. But in the main, I want people to be encouraged to open up their Bibles and see for themselves.

These several posts on the Book of Acts respond to a comment I heard someone say before speaking on the Book of Acts. He said, “I am sure you have heard this all before, and I apologize for not offering anything new.” He did not mean it like I took it. His comment was self-effacing, but it got me thinking. Is this book old hat? Has everyone run this book to ground? Is it true that there is nothing new?

These posts are meant to prove that Acts, like the rest of Scripture, has no bottom such that we can ever hope to find it. The truths here in Acts are as eternal as in any other book. The posts are also meant to encourage folks to take another look at a book that is often overlooked. There is more here than meets the eye, much more. And with a little desire, and application, the book just opens right up and yields its treasures to our gaze.

I am nobody special. I have no seminary degree. And no special letters after my name. You can be assured then that these many insights presented in the blog are equally available to you and your diligent study.

He wants to be known. Why would He give us these Scriptures if He wanted our way to Him to be obscured by guesswork in the dark? I don’t think it accidental that the Bible opens up with “Let there be light” in the face of a world without form and void or that the Gospels open up with “In him was life and that life was the light of men.”

When James W. Marshall found gold at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California in 1848, several hundreds of thousands of people rushed in upon hearing the news.

In these posts, there is plenty of gold, real gold, not of my own making. I simply found what was always there. My hope is that people, in reading these posts, will rush in to the limitless gold vein that is the Word of God and mine these wonderful riches for themselves.

Acts: Signs, Wonders, and Miracles, Part 7

Acts: Signs, Wonders, and Miracles, Part 7

Acts: An Important Point, Pt. 3: A Material Body

Acts: An Important Point, Pt. 3: A Material Body