Fields & Vineyards is a blog by michael T. marr, author of with him in deep waters. His posts explore the riches of god’s word.

As an Aside: A Prayer to Strengthen the Weak

As an Aside: A Prayer to Strengthen the Weak

Here we continue with a few thoughts on prayer. I have been reading Ezekiel 34. In that portion of the book, God calls men to account for failing to be true shepherds, He promises to send a true shepherd after David, and He promises to be a shepherd to His people. The marks of a true shepherd are this: (i) they feed the sheep instead of feeding on them; (ii) they strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind up the torn, bring back the strays, seek the lost; and (iii) they shepherd with meekness and gentleness rather than lording over the sheep in power. If you know Psalm 23 and the Gospels, you’ll realize these marks are found in Jesus.

In any event, I am not a shepherd. But the absence of a role or a title does not prevent me from praying for God’s people, or my neighbors, or my friends, or even strangers to me. In other words, because we have a Shepherd, we can ask Him to strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind up the torn, bring back the strays, and seek the lost as we come across them in our daily living.

With that sentiment in mind, I have a prayer asking God to strengthen the weak.

Blessed be the Lord, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Blessed be the Author of life, the Giver of life, the One who upholds the world with a word, through the power of His life and His lovingkindness and His everlasting goodness.

(1) You said, “Let there be light,” and there was light, and You saw that it was good — and it is good. (2) You said, “Let the waters be gathered together, and let the dry land appear” and you called the dry land, earth, and the waters in their places, seas, and You saw that it was good — and it is good. And we live in Your Light, and we walk on the dry land You provided, and they are good, and You are good to give us these things for life.

(3) You said, Let the earth bring forth all manner of vegetation, seeds, nuts, fruits, and plants after their kind, and you saw that it was good—and it is good. (4) You said, “Let there be lights in the heavens to be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and for years; and let there be a greater light to rule the day, and a lesser light to rule the night, and to divide light from darkness, and you saw that it was good—and it is good. And we live in Your providence, in the divisions You have made. in the provision You have made for us to understand You more, and these are good, all Your appointed times, and You are good to give us these things for life.

(5) You said, “Let the waters teem with life and let the heavens be filled with living creatures, and You saw that it was good—and it is good. (6) You said, “Let the earth be filled, bringing forth living creatures—livestock, beasts, and creeping things, all according to their kinds; and You saw that it was good—and it is good. And then You said, “Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness.” And so You did — You have done it —and in this thing You have done, You said, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, have dominion;” and You have made provisions of the produce and fruit of the land; and You saw all this, all the thoughts and intents of Your heart, all the works of Your hands, that it was good—and it is good.

And it is good because You are good, and thoughtful, and complete. And in You, we live and move and have our being, and You are good to give us these things for life.

(7) And then You rested, and You blessed Your rest, and You made it holy. And how shall we enter into Your rest?

May we be found within Your purposes in creation, and not against them. May You see us in Christ, and see that it is good that we are an inheritance worthy of his name, and worthy of his request, “Here am I and the children the Lord has given me.” Continue to be our God, for You are good, and may we continue to be Your people, forever.

Blessed is the God who made us. Blessed is the Lord who gave us light and life. Blessed is the Lord God who has promised us rest.

For light, and not for darkness, Amen. For life, and not for death, Amen. For peace with God, and Sabbath rest, Amen. For His glory, and honor, and power, and dominion in all the earth, Amen.

As an Aside: A Prayer for Healing

As an Aside: A Prayer for Healing

As an Aside: A Prayer for Protection

As an Aside: A Prayer for Protection